Now, people can try various special foods of Kraton Yogyakarta which are served by Bale Raos.
Bale Raos is located around Kraton Yogyakarta, in the nuance of Javanese architecture. Joglo building that stands gloriously, and strong royal palace aura make you enjoy the food in Bale Raos.
The dish of food in Bale Raos can be enjoyed as:
Menu set dish (full serve waiters).
Pretentious riztaffel dish.
Trained cooks will serve high tasted dish of food, that is the favourite food of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VII to Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, and various foods of the family of Kraton Yogyakarta.
The authentic menus from Keraton Yogyakarta:
Bebek Suwir Suwir (Sultan HB X)
Special menu of Kraton Yogyakarta, made from slices of duck meat which is served with fried pineapple slices and rasped kedondong sauce.
Semur Piyik (Sultan HB IX)
Unique dish made of pigeon.
Urip Urip Gulung (Sultan HB VII)
Fillet freshwater catfish which is rolled then roasted and served with mangut sauce.
Beer Jawa (Sultan HB VIII)
Original drink from Kraton Yogyakarta which is made from ginger, secang wood, clove, citrus fruit, etc.
Various exotic menus in Bale Raos:
Roasted goat
Bestik Jawa
Grinded beef with sweet gravy served together with potato puree and sauted vegetables.
Price of food: IDR 13,500 - IDR 35,000
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Yogyakarta Restaurant
Selasa, 17 Januari 2012
You should come to Bale Ayu Restaurant that will serve you with many kinds of special gurame menus. This restaurant has enriched Yogya’s culinary triumph with its 18 gurame menus. Some favorite menus are Gurame with Bale Ayu Sauce, Gurame with Citarasa Sauce, Gurame Crispy Asam Manis, and Gurame Bakar Bale Ayu. The fresh and soft fish is perfectly combined with secret flavor that results delicious food.
This restaurant also offers complete menus for soup as appetizer, such as chicken, duck, shrimp, fish, crab, and many other menus like Jamur Crispy, Wader Goreng Kering, and Terong Goreng Kecap. For beverage, you may choose various kinds of drink, like Jahe Pandan Bale Ayu, Es Teler Bale Ayu, Es Buah Pelangi, or Es Cokelat Bale Ayu. Bale Ayu Resto has a large parking lot, meeting room for 20 people, musholla, and internet access.
From Malioboro you can use Trans Jogja bus number 1A and drop off at SGM bus shelter.
The food price ranged from: IDR 15,000 to IDR 70,000 while the beverage is from: IDR 4,000 to IDR 12,000
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